Jan 15, 04:11 PM
Everyone is harping on the MacBook Air because of it's lack of ports or an optical drive, but at the end of the day people are still going to want to buy it. It's a nice product.
I agree. It's a machine for a particular kind of user, one who values portability above all else. Looked at that way instead of from the "gee, it lacks...." point of view, it makes a lot of sense.
What often gets lost in these wish-list, "it should be easy to do THIS" discussions is the reality that all machines are compromises. What we get is driven by a lot of factors far beyond what is theoretically possible in a perfect world. Parts availability, cost of manufacture, market forces, engineering tradeoffs, etc. etc.
You need ports and an internal optical drive? You'll just have to live with a chassis big enough to hold them. Like that oh-so-CLUNKY (I mean it's a whole INCH thick! Horrors!), terribly obsolescent, dinosaur-like MacBook Pro. :rolleyes:
I agree. It's a machine for a particular kind of user, one who values portability above all else. Looked at that way instead of from the "gee, it lacks...." point of view, it makes a lot of sense.
What often gets lost in these wish-list, "it should be easy to do THIS" discussions is the reality that all machines are compromises. What we get is driven by a lot of factors far beyond what is theoretically possible in a perfect world. Parts availability, cost of manufacture, market forces, engineering tradeoffs, etc. etc.
You need ports and an internal optical drive? You'll just have to live with a chassis big enough to hold them. Like that oh-so-CLUNKY (I mean it's a whole INCH thick! Horrors!), terribly obsolescent, dinosaur-like MacBook Pro. :rolleyes:
Oct 9, 03:34 AM
Finding where the keys are on your HDD is the easy part, accessing and using them is the task that takes months... [Simple way to find the location of the keys. Image your HDD. Purchase file from iTunes. Image your HDD compare the two images. The new key(s) (and the file itself) must be in the bits that changed.]
Sure. Of course, the guys working on DRM at Apple aren't idiots. If you were an engineer charged with defeating this type of attack, what would you do? I can tell you what I would do, I would start changing a whole load of bits on your harddrive, not because it's necessary, but because it makes it that much harder for you to find the stuff that changed.
It's a moot point anyway. Any file that you download from iTunes is going to be at least a few megs in size. The key is going to be somewhere in the order of a couple of hundred bytes. Which bytes amongst the several megs are the key? They aren't necessarily contiguous, they're almost certainly encrypted by another key hidden elsewhere in the system, and they may even be fiddled by a virtual machine after decryption, just to muddle things up a little bit more.
Finding the approximate location on the HD is simple. Fiding the actual key in the right order is an extremely difficult task.
As someone who does this for a living, can you comment on my read of the hacks that have been released in the later post It still seems to me that where DRM has been hacked has relied on key retrieval or finding the weak spot in the chain.
Um, of course DRM hacks rely on either retrieving the key, or finding the weak link. They are the only two attacks possible - grab the data after the program has decrypted it for use, or find the key/algorithm so that you can do the decryption yourself. At the moment the first attack is nearly trivial to implement, although that will change a bit when the manufacturers start moving on to a "Trusted Computing" style platform. All you need to do is write your own audio driver that sits between the computer and the real driver. It picks of the data and stores it as it's sent to the speakers.
The second solution is much more difficult, but far more elegant. It allows you to keep intact all of the metadata associated with the file (track name, lyrics, album name etc etc). BUT, you have to be clever enough to recover the key.
Sure. Of course, the guys working on DRM at Apple aren't idiots. If you were an engineer charged with defeating this type of attack, what would you do? I can tell you what I would do, I would start changing a whole load of bits on your harddrive, not because it's necessary, but because it makes it that much harder for you to find the stuff that changed.
It's a moot point anyway. Any file that you download from iTunes is going to be at least a few megs in size. The key is going to be somewhere in the order of a couple of hundred bytes. Which bytes amongst the several megs are the key? They aren't necessarily contiguous, they're almost certainly encrypted by another key hidden elsewhere in the system, and they may even be fiddled by a virtual machine after decryption, just to muddle things up a little bit more.
Finding the approximate location on the HD is simple. Fiding the actual key in the right order is an extremely difficult task.
As someone who does this for a living, can you comment on my read of the hacks that have been released in the later post It still seems to me that where DRM has been hacked has relied on key retrieval or finding the weak spot in the chain.
Um, of course DRM hacks rely on either retrieving the key, or finding the weak link. They are the only two attacks possible - grab the data after the program has decrypted it for use, or find the key/algorithm so that you can do the decryption yourself. At the moment the first attack is nearly trivial to implement, although that will change a bit when the manufacturers start moving on to a "Trusted Computing" style platform. All you need to do is write your own audio driver that sits between the computer and the real driver. It picks of the data and stores it as it's sent to the speakers.
The second solution is much more difficult, but far more elegant. It allows you to keep intact all of the metadata associated with the file (track name, lyrics, album name etc etc). BUT, you have to be clever enough to recover the key.
Jul 21, 02:24 PM
With all this being said by haters and non-haters, haters go to apple store or att and buy the i4 and see for yourselves, you have 30 days to return it for full refund. Take the time and really experience the phone, take to account in the mid 80's att had to deregulate it's control of market, so the public has a choice other than att as a service. So, there's your weak signal areas, some people has no choice but to have what's available to them and be stuck with a non-iphone product line and should not be complaining of lack of experience. Don't jump on the band wagon and base you conclusion from others and start hating the iphone since you haven't experience iphone 2g in the past.

Princess Diana#39;s butler,

princess diana car crash

Princess Diana Car Accident

princess diana car crash.

a car crash with Princess
Oct 17, 09:46 AM
I'm not sure about what you're saying here, because content producers will still be having to supply the same film in two different formats.
No they won't they can produce their film in whatever format they like because all players would be dual format so it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't even need those fancy hybrid discs
They'll likely drop the less popular format, and thus, we'll have a winner. This could happen though it is unlikely with dual format drives
DVD +/- is a writing thing. It's not the same, because people don't care where they get their blank discs from as much.
When it was going on it was a big thing, because a lot of dvd Players would only Play one type of disc so if you recorded to + and your friend had - they would not be able to play it
More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.
I do , I have 140Gb of Photos from my DSLR (and previous digital cameras) putting this on 3 discs rather than 40 discs would be great
I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful
External drives are very easy to break beyond repair with osx (3 different NEW external drives, 3 different disk manufacturers disks, and the longest they lasted without dying so badly they needed an RMA was 72 hours) and dvd blueray etc discs take up less space, and you have the possibility of having 3-4 copies.
No they won't they can produce their film in whatever format they like because all players would be dual format so it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't even need those fancy hybrid discs
They'll likely drop the less popular format, and thus, we'll have a winner. This could happen though it is unlikely with dual format drives
DVD +/- is a writing thing. It's not the same, because people don't care where they get their blank discs from as much.
When it was going on it was a big thing, because a lot of dvd Players would only Play one type of disc so if you recorded to + and your friend had - they would not be able to play it
More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.
I do , I have 140Gb of Photos from my DSLR (and previous digital cameras) putting this on 3 discs rather than 40 discs would be great
I also have 28Gb of music, backing up form itunes to 1 disc rather than 8 would also be useful
External drives are very easy to break beyond repair with osx (3 different NEW external drives, 3 different disk manufacturers disks, and the longest they lasted without dying so badly they needed an RMA was 72 hours) and dvd blueray etc discs take up less space, and you have the possibility of having 3-4 copies.
Aug 2, 05:00 AM
Lyra, your tone is condescending. Calling Scandinavian laws "perverted" tells us that you're single minded to begin with and that your points can't be taken seriously.
I'll still address the point you make about the size of the Scandinavian market. The total population of the Scandinavian countries are 18.9 million. The total population of the USA is 296 million. The size of the Scandinavian market is only 6.4% of the size of the US market, but if Apple pulls out it's still lost income, potentially up to a couple of percent of what Apple makes in the US if you count loss of sales of music and the domino effect that will cause loss of sales of iPods and Macs.
Of course Apple can survive without the Scandinavian market, but why give up potential profit for nothing except stubbornness?
It is in your right to feel the word "PERVERTED" is condescending, however you seem to be missing the point. And furthermore, when your country gives Apple a bad rep, just cause you have a law that benefits your greedy idea of harming international companies and getting some money out of them, in this certain case, it happens to be Apple. Were you this engaged to do something when MS broke the law? The international law?
The fact of the matter is that Scandinavia simply isn't worth this...
You call it stubbornness when you talk about opening the DRM, which shows you, to be completely delusional when it comest to understanding this matter.
As one of the posters here mentioned, it would be like unifying the keys to everything you own and hoping no one breaks in, or steals anything from you.
Do you think ALL those companies would have joined iTunes, if Apple didn't have a good and pretty solid security to present them with? Ultimately it is all about making sure that the items you buy from them are safe and has a copy protection that insures the record labels that they can trust this format.
So who are you to go up against a phenomenon like iTunes, and these major companies? Do you honestly believe that Apple is the only one who is pushing DRM?
Try to do something productive instead and fight FOR and not against Apple... If you want iTunes, you have to adjust your selves to their format. It is idiotic to think that because I don't agree with certain companies and how they make their products, I can actually make a difference. Scandinavia doesn't have an impact on anything, you won't be able to change anything.
It is like someone disagreeing that the off button on SONY TVs remote is on the right side and not the left... If you can adjust and live with all the things other companies do, then why can't you with Apple? No one is forcing you to use iTunes... Better yet, if you don't like it buy the SONY, knock off of the iPods...
People whining about this simply don't see what is behind all of this. It is like moaning about DVD regional Codes, or copy protection on DVDs in general. Why don't you write to Panasonic or Pioneer and tell them, that you don't like and would fine them for not allowing you to switch regional codes on your DVD burner/player.
You can tolerate other companies, yet you cannot understand why iTunes HAS to work this way.
Your post indicates you have an issue with the size of your country. It indicates a certain insecurity, when you actually want to make justify your views on how many people live in Scandinavia and how many there are in New York alone. We are not talking about the 296 million in the entire USA. Canada is excluded in those numbers.
Why are you people so ungrateful? Why can't you just enjoy what Apple is giving you? Would you rather pirate songs?
Your laws ARE perverted (meaning they are not fair and serve only greed).
Just like our laws are perverted in many of our states, yours in your tiny country has a worse effect. After all, you still don't matter in the grand scheme of things...
And sooner or later, Apple will leave you, then you won't be able to buy anything from iTunes...
Is that what you want? Then why don't you just vote on it? If it matters so much to you?
Don't be so naive and think you have any influence over this... You are not just going up against Apple, but the entire band of companies who are backing Apple in this. Try do go up against them... It is as I said, you cannot change the power on/off buttons placement on the remote-control... Or any other silly thing people have a problem with...
Apart from the conclusion... what do you think is just "kidding"?
Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it?
The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?
10 people loved the new Godzilla movie (People loved this movie and this might be the next best thing to sliced bread)
1.000.000 people hated the new Godzilla movie (People hated this movie and is considered to be a major flop)
I'll still address the point you make about the size of the Scandinavian market. The total population of the Scandinavian countries are 18.9 million. The total population of the USA is 296 million. The size of the Scandinavian market is only 6.4% of the size of the US market, but if Apple pulls out it's still lost income, potentially up to a couple of percent of what Apple makes in the US if you count loss of sales of music and the domino effect that will cause loss of sales of iPods and Macs.
Of course Apple can survive without the Scandinavian market, but why give up potential profit for nothing except stubbornness?
It is in your right to feel the word "PERVERTED" is condescending, however you seem to be missing the point. And furthermore, when your country gives Apple a bad rep, just cause you have a law that benefits your greedy idea of harming international companies and getting some money out of them, in this certain case, it happens to be Apple. Were you this engaged to do something when MS broke the law? The international law?
The fact of the matter is that Scandinavia simply isn't worth this...
You call it stubbornness when you talk about opening the DRM, which shows you, to be completely delusional when it comest to understanding this matter.
As one of the posters here mentioned, it would be like unifying the keys to everything you own and hoping no one breaks in, or steals anything from you.
Do you think ALL those companies would have joined iTunes, if Apple didn't have a good and pretty solid security to present them with? Ultimately it is all about making sure that the items you buy from them are safe and has a copy protection that insures the record labels that they can trust this format.
So who are you to go up against a phenomenon like iTunes, and these major companies? Do you honestly believe that Apple is the only one who is pushing DRM?
Try to do something productive instead and fight FOR and not against Apple... If you want iTunes, you have to adjust your selves to their format. It is idiotic to think that because I don't agree with certain companies and how they make their products, I can actually make a difference. Scandinavia doesn't have an impact on anything, you won't be able to change anything.
It is like someone disagreeing that the off button on SONY TVs remote is on the right side and not the left... If you can adjust and live with all the things other companies do, then why can't you with Apple? No one is forcing you to use iTunes... Better yet, if you don't like it buy the SONY, knock off of the iPods...
People whining about this simply don't see what is behind all of this. It is like moaning about DVD regional Codes, or copy protection on DVDs in general. Why don't you write to Panasonic or Pioneer and tell them, that you don't like and would fine them for not allowing you to switch regional codes on your DVD burner/player.
You can tolerate other companies, yet you cannot understand why iTunes HAS to work this way.
Your post indicates you have an issue with the size of your country. It indicates a certain insecurity, when you actually want to make justify your views on how many people live in Scandinavia and how many there are in New York alone. We are not talking about the 296 million in the entire USA. Canada is excluded in those numbers.
Why are you people so ungrateful? Why can't you just enjoy what Apple is giving you? Would you rather pirate songs?
Your laws ARE perverted (meaning they are not fair and serve only greed).
Just like our laws are perverted in many of our states, yours in your tiny country has a worse effect. After all, you still don't matter in the grand scheme of things...
And sooner or later, Apple will leave you, then you won't be able to buy anything from iTunes...
Is that what you want? Then why don't you just vote on it? If it matters so much to you?
Don't be so naive and think you have any influence over this... You are not just going up against Apple, but the entire band of companies who are backing Apple in this. Try do go up against them... It is as I said, you cannot change the power on/off buttons placement on the remote-control... Or any other silly thing people have a problem with...
Apart from the conclusion... what do you think is just "kidding"?
Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it?
The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?
10 people loved the new Godzilla movie (People loved this movie and this might be the next best thing to sliced bread)
1.000.000 people hated the new Godzilla movie (People hated this movie and is considered to be a major flop)

Sep 28, 03:27 PM
Yeah, updating all the i-apps updates right now. The Aperture update is next. Tomo? Could be. :o

Mar 24, 03:48 PM
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android 2.3.3; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1103211415; U; en-GB) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)
I feel ashamed to say this but Tiger took my OSX Virginity from me but boy was it awesome! My computing life would not be complete without OSX in it.
This is such a great milestone! :)
I feel ashamed to say this but Tiger took my OSX Virginity from me but boy was it awesome! My computing life would not be complete without OSX in it.
This is such a great milestone! :)
Apr 25, 11:44 AM (

Britain#39;s Princess Diana

of Princess Diana#39;s car 31

Diana crash wreckage

princess diana car crash

princess diana car crash body.


princess diana car crash

The life of Princess Diana did


car crash. Princess Diana
Apr 29, 05:09 PM
You're mixing up your kernels. NT 4.0 doesn't share a kernel with 95/98, NT 3.51 doesn't share a kernel with Windows 3.x...
Windows 7 is Windows 7 because it's the 7th release of Windows NT.
1- Windows NT 3.1
2- Windows NT 3.5
3- Windows NT 4.0
4- Windows 2000
5- Windows XP
6- Windows Vista
7- Windows 7
That's the only way it makes sense.
No, smitty was correct. MS uses version numbers that identify it's code. It's how software devs can write code that decides whether the app should be allowed to install.
In a command prompt, use winver. Note the version listed
EG, Windows 95, NT 4, 98, and ME are all considered Windows 4.x. 2000 and XP are both 5.x, Vista and Windows 7 are 6.x. So it's clear 7 is nothing more than marketing.
From the horses mouth:
Windows 7 is Windows 7 because it's the 7th release of Windows NT.
1- Windows NT 3.1
2- Windows NT 3.5
3- Windows NT 4.0
4- Windows 2000
5- Windows XP
6- Windows Vista
7- Windows 7
That's the only way it makes sense.
No, smitty was correct. MS uses version numbers that identify it's code. It's how software devs can write code that decides whether the app should be allowed to install.
In a command prompt, use winver. Note the version listed
EG, Windows 95, NT 4, 98, and ME are all considered Windows 4.x. 2000 and XP are both 5.x, Vista and Windows 7 are 6.x. So it's clear 7 is nothing more than marketing.
From the horses mouth:
May 3, 03:44 PM
But anyways, I don't think anyone would choose an OS just for one reason alone. Some might, of course.
Lots of people have been choosing the iphone over Android for years when iOS lacked tethering, for example.
But of course, I chose my OS (and smartphone) for only 1 reason.
I wanted to tether the EDGE/HSDPA signal to my MacBook, and only iOS and Android did that. My carrier allows me to jailbreak, root, tether, whatever you like, for no additional costs.
Since then I just wanted the cheapest phone with that functionality from a well-known brand so I didn't end with junk, I came up with the HTC Wildfire (250 euros).
The iPhone was just too expensive at 700+ euros unlocked.
My Wildfire + Mobile Vikings ( (Belgium preferred) = Epic combo! And I'm not bound to a contract, as with many other providers.
That, and my iPod Touch 2G for multimedia, since it's more powerful than the Wildfire hands down. (And I can still tether the internet to my iPod if I wanted to...)
Lots of people have been choosing the iphone over Android for years when iOS lacked tethering, for example.
But of course, I chose my OS (and smartphone) for only 1 reason.
I wanted to tether the EDGE/HSDPA signal to my MacBook, and only iOS and Android did that. My carrier allows me to jailbreak, root, tether, whatever you like, for no additional costs.
Since then I just wanted the cheapest phone with that functionality from a well-known brand so I didn't end with junk, I came up with the HTC Wildfire (250 euros).
The iPhone was just too expensive at 700+ euros unlocked.
My Wildfire + Mobile Vikings ( (Belgium preferred) = Epic combo! And I'm not bound to a contract, as with many other providers.
That, and my iPod Touch 2G for multimedia, since it's more powerful than the Wildfire hands down. (And I can still tether the internet to my iPod if I wanted to...)
Jan 15, 05:05 PM
Still. No. Flash. On. My. Iphone.
W. T. F??!
... oh yes forgot that... another strike!
W. T. F??!
... oh yes forgot that... another strike!
Dec 20, 10:31 AM
Correct. Some numbers to back that up.
China Mobile (GSM) = 558M subscribers (World's largest carrier)
. . .
However, China Mobile's GSM network is 2G.
Yes I'm well aware of China Mobile's vast GSM Edge network. But this is a 3g phone. So that 558 Million actually doesn't count given that it would be like giving the phone to T-Mobile knowing that they can't support 3g. And Apple doesn't pull moves like that since it would open them up for lawsuits (if someone unlocks on their own, that's on them).
The real numbers to look at are 152 Million valid GSM 3g subscribers against 178 Million CDMA customers. And no contract prohibiting having a phone for both. So again, if this is about making money, why didn't they make a CDMA phone for that second group. Assuming they are open to having a CDMA iphone at all.
China Mobile (GSM) = 558M subscribers (World's largest carrier)
. . .
However, China Mobile's GSM network is 2G.
Yes I'm well aware of China Mobile's vast GSM Edge network. But this is a 3g phone. So that 558 Million actually doesn't count given that it would be like giving the phone to T-Mobile knowing that they can't support 3g. And Apple doesn't pull moves like that since it would open them up for lawsuits (if someone unlocks on their own, that's on them).
The real numbers to look at are 152 Million valid GSM 3g subscribers against 178 Million CDMA customers. And no contract prohibiting having a phone for both. So again, if this is about making money, why didn't they make a CDMA phone for that second group. Assuming they are open to having a CDMA iphone at all.
Apr 29, 03:50 PM
I am glad they got rid of the slider. The slider currently used for Time Machine is annoying.

Apr 16, 06:19 PM
The angled back is very ZuneHD ish......
Oct 28, 10:06 PM
I don't blame Apple. The OSS community abused what they had and turned to piracy by stealing the GUI. Kudos Apple.
You CAN'T abuse a BSD license. Have you read the BSD license? It sais basically "Do what you want with this software but don't sue the University of California" You can't seal BSD because it is free for everyone.
So you can run BSD UNIX on a generic PC or a wrist watch if you want. or you can even do whet Next did: Down load it and put it on your own hardware and sell it. Then Apple bought Next and we have OSX. Next got it for free and so can you or I. Apple can put the code on the web or take it off the web. The license only says to leave the U of C alone.
You CAN'T abuse a BSD license. Have you read the BSD license? It sais basically "Do what you want with this software but don't sue the University of California" You can't seal BSD because it is free for everyone.
So you can run BSD UNIX on a generic PC or a wrist watch if you want. or you can even do whet Next did: Down load it and put it on your own hardware and sell it. Then Apple bought Next and we have OSX. Next got it for free and so can you or I. Apple can put the code on the web or take it off the web. The license only says to leave the U of C alone.
Apr 30, 07:22 AM
Image (
The Graphics design artist in me just had an aneurysm.
The Graphics design artist in me just had an aneurysm.
Apr 15, 04:36 PM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)
I think Apple will be able to get the right deals in the end get Steve Jobs pissed enough at the labels and they'll come around he usually gets his way, one way or another.
I think Apple will be able to get the right deals in the end get Steve Jobs pissed enough at the labels and they'll come around he usually gets his way, one way or another.
Dec 19, 01:26 PM
On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.
yes the tragic design flaw that only existed in the US in the areas where ATT service blows.
Same design flaw recently confirmed on the HTC even
As for these rumors, I don't believe said site on anything. Their record is so spotty it is a joke. Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM. Even all the talk that they are hiring CDMA knowledged engineers which 'proves' they are working on a Verizon phone falls apart when you consider the unlocked, no exclusives iPad. So that staff could be working on the product.
I won't go so far as to say that a CDMA iPhone would never happen, or an LTE Verizon iPhone. I just do buy that it is coming this soon. For a number of reasons. And no one has shown me proof reasonable enough to think otherwise

yes the tragic design flaw that only existed in the US in the areas where ATT service blows.
Same design flaw recently confirmed on the HTC even
As for these rumors, I don't believe said site on anything. Their record is so spotty it is a joke. Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM. Even all the talk that they are hiring CDMA knowledged engineers which 'proves' they are working on a Verizon phone falls apart when you consider the unlocked, no exclusives iPad. So that staff could be working on the product.
I won't go so far as to say that a CDMA iPhone would never happen, or an LTE Verizon iPhone. I just do buy that it is coming this soon. For a number of reasons. And no one has shown me proof reasonable enough to think otherwise

Oct 2, 05:13 PM
The DMCA would have nothing to do with this. This doesn't remove any copy prevention, it adds it. I just can't see what anyone would want to do with this technology.
Napster/Amazon would want this technology so they could sell their music/movies to anyone with an iPod.
It's not like Napster necessarily choose WMA DRM. They couldn't license Fairplay from Apple.
Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.
you may be right about that. subscription services might not be useable at the moment.
Napster/Amazon would want this technology so they could sell their music/movies to anyone with an iPod.
It's not like Napster necessarily choose WMA DRM. They couldn't license Fairplay from Apple.
Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.
you may be right about that. subscription services might not be useable at the moment.
Apr 15, 08:54 PM
I am more curious how the labels are going to try to renegotiate contracts with Apple once Steve moves on.
I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.
Apple comes to the table with a well thought-out plan that includes objectives, time lines and incentives for the other party. They are not just being tough, they are looking at the proposal from both sides offering a win-win.
The record labels are greedy and Apple knows how to feed the greed by offering the record companies an additional source of revenue with the needed safeguards to quell the label's fears.
While Steve may be in on the big picture and will make cameo appearances during the negotiations, he's not the lead negotiator.
Apple is so successful because they are not focused on making their share holder happy for the immediate quarter. They are focused on long term success, so they can take their time during negotiations, can buy companies long before it's apparent what they will do with them. By the time they tip their hand it's too late for potential competitors to jump or board before the train leaves the station.
I wouldn't worry about Apple without Jobs, he has put together a lean and efficient corporate culture that can go operate long and profitably without him.
I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.
Apple comes to the table with a well thought-out plan that includes objectives, time lines and incentives for the other party. They are not just being tough, they are looking at the proposal from both sides offering a win-win.
The record labels are greedy and Apple knows how to feed the greed by offering the record companies an additional source of revenue with the needed safeguards to quell the label's fears.
While Steve may be in on the big picture and will make cameo appearances during the negotiations, he's not the lead negotiator.
Apple is so successful because they are not focused on making their share holder happy for the immediate quarter. They are focused on long term success, so they can take their time during negotiations, can buy companies long before it's apparent what they will do with them. By the time they tip their hand it's too late for potential competitors to jump or board before the train leaves the station.
I wouldn't worry about Apple without Jobs, he has put together a lean and efficient corporate culture that can go operate long and profitably without him.
Sep 25, 01:17 PM
I�m loving the amout of sarcasm in this thread� I was afraid it would not be picked up. This is a good update to the software and free is even better.
I do, however, think people are just tired of waiting for new macbook pros. Apple really does need to get on that update if they are going to justify charging $1999+ for the notebook.
I do, however, think people are just tired of waiting for new macbook pros. Apple really does need to get on that update if they are going to justify charging $1999+ for the notebook.
Nov 23, 04:35 PM
According to Apple's Canadian website, the Black Friday sale will be there too, not only in the U.S.
Apr 16, 05:13 PM
This is no value to me, if you consider your position to be narrow-mind, and not an abomination, sorry...., affront.
Make more sense. This sentence of yours makes none.
Make more sense. This sentence of yours makes none.
Mar 17, 01:20 AM
Attack of the 16 year olds.
Explains a lot.
I hope he sold you a stolen iPad and you get arrested.
Attack of the 16 year olds.
Explains a lot.
I hope he sold you a stolen iPad and you get arrested.
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