Monday, May 30, 2011

pictures of kittens and cats

pictures of kittens and cats. red cat, Kitten, Kittens, Cats
  • red cat, Kitten, Kittens, Cats

  • Baumi
    Oct 2, 11:31 PM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Well, if you've ever ripped a DVD you bought to watch it on the iPod, a non-DVD laptop, etc., he's the guy who made that possible. Legal grey area? Possibly. Useful, positive and productive? In my mind: Hell, yeah!


    pictures of kittens and cats. Cute baby kittens. When cats
  • Cute baby kittens. When cats

  • MikeTheC
    Jan 9, 01:48 AM
    *takes several fist-fulls of "Force Steroids"*

    *casts Jedi Mind Trick on Steve Jobs*

    Mac mini:

    pictures of kittens and cats. Pictures of Kittens Cats.
  • Pictures of Kittens Cats.

  • iBug2
    Apr 30, 06:44 PM
    Nope, it won't happen at all. There is too big of a market for people who write and rely on custom software. I don't disagree that the friendly face of the OS will continue to get dumbed down. The backend, however, will remain just as open and customizable. Go look at any University and you'll find that in the CS dept a huge portion of the professors and their students use Mac OS X. Restrict this market and you drive away future developers. It would be suicidal.

    Who said anything about driving away future developers? You do realize that the closed app store is bringing in more developers right?

    pictures of kittens and cats. Pictures Of Kittens Cats.
  • Pictures Of Kittens Cats.

  • NamJangNamJa
    Nov 16, 04:35 PM
    I will never buy an AMD computer again, especially in a laptop. AMDs are very hot processors and they require big fans(I learn that from my bro's Compaq), which make them thick and heavy.

    It would be best for me if we could of kept PowerPC, developed a lower powerconsuming but stil powerful G5, or Xenon(chip in XBOX 360). But intel is still got...PPC for LIFE

    Intel used to be hotter than AMD for a long time until they came up with Core Duo.

    Intel used to be hotter than AMD for a long time until they came up with Core Duo.

    Nevermind, as far as, intel has been always cooler than AMD in the laptop world.


    pictures of kittens and cats. Cat Names, Kitten Names
  • Cat Names, Kitten Names

  • nuckinfutz
    Oct 18, 02:30 PM
    HD DVD is the superior platform. After perusing their specs a bit closer I find that:

    1. There are more mandatory features in HD DVD players. Ethernet, secondary Audio and Video decoders, persistent storage that must play a certain amount of 1080p content at a given bitrate, Dolby TrueHD support is mandatory. Sure Blu-Ray can add these but they don't mandate them so as of today only one BD player(The pioneer) will come with ethernet.

    2. Less DRM- HD DVD has AACS 128-bit encryption. Blu-Ray has the same but tosses in BD+ and ROM Mark. BD+ could prove to be problematic and gives too much power to studios.

    3. Legacy support- Most people don't know but the current "flipper" Combo discs (DVD on one side HD on the other) are giving way to Twin Format discs which contain a DVD layer and HD DVD layer on the same side. This means disc art comes back but you still have the legacy support. Currently right now it's two layer so you can do 15GB/4.7GB discs. Three Layer discs are being tested by the DVD Forum for inclusion to the spec. This would allow for 30/4.7 or 15/9.4 discs. Sure legacy support sounds stupid but how many minivans and cars have DVD players as standard or optional equipment? It'll be a long time before you get HD in the car. Twin Format HD DVD will ensure you can view your movie on millions upon millions of players.

    The networking features of HD DVD will impress people. HDi interactivity allows you to tap into the net for updates to trailers and bios. Or you can create a "playlist" of favorite scenes and send this to friends who own the same disc for playback. Voice annotations of scenes is possible as well. The key here is that the annotations or playlists contain syncing information for the disc. You never have to copy the actual movie content. The ethernet port on the HD DVD players can access your network using industry standard protocol.

    We're all computer people and we should all be asking why we have to spend $1500 on a pioneer BD player to get network connectivity that is available on a $400 HD DVD player. Things that make you say hmmmmmmmm

    pictures of kittens and cats. Sphynx Cats and Kittens from
  • Sphynx Cats and Kittens from

  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 12, 07:22 AM
    Aint it a bit early for that. With 5 hours to go before the event:confused: :confused:

    It's called hype, my friend.


    pictures of kittens and cats. Cute kitten on dog
  • Cute kitten on dog

  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 07:02 AM
    I don't see anything wrong with it at all. People use children to carry goods all the time and the TSA agent was totally professional about it talking through each step. The rules are there to provide a layer of safety and if you think that it doesn't and don't like the rules, ride the bus!

    Better yet, let's remove the TSA agents and let someone fly a plane into another building. :rolleyes:

    pictures of kittens and cats. images of cats and kittens
  • images of cats and kittens

  • HawaiiMacAddict
    Apr 2, 12:02 PM
    It looks like the only way M$ is "catching up" is by copying technologies with which we are already familiar. As Bertrand Serlet suggested, maybe M$ really DID start up their photocopiers :D

    I saw a video on YouTube entitled "The Real Windows Vista (", in which the audio from a (series of) M$ lecture(s) was combined with video showing a Mac user demonstrating the then-unreleased features of Vista on a Mac. It was originally in three parts, and at the end of each part the specific technologies mentioned were identified, as well as the year in which they were introduced. It appears also that, as Mr. Serlet also mentioned, "if you can't innovate, you must imitate, but it's never quite the same."


    pictures of kittens and cats. CAT, cat Sassy kitten CAT
  • CAT, cat Sassy kitten CAT

  • Jony Mac
    Apr 13, 08:42 AM
    What are you doing with a camera shot of my servant's quarters? :confused:

    Ha ha. I've never stayed here, I'm thinking my wife will like to stay in a castle.

    pictures of kittens and cats. pictures of kittens and cats.
  • pictures of kittens and cats.

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 02:27 PM
    I get crashed if I use this code: (trying to create an outlet for a button with a selector to a method that invalidates the Time).

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender


    pictures of kittens and cats. caidas Cartoon Cat cats
  • caidas Cartoon Cat cats

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Well, happy birthday, Mac OS X.

    My my, how you've grown. :)

    pictures of kittens and cats. and cats vs. kittens),
  • and cats vs. kittens),

  • ct2k7
    Apr 16, 10:19 AM
    Ok, Mr. Intelligent. It's been 3 years since the original iPhone launched. Perhaps Apple found a way to make a phone out of aluminum or a similar material, without affecting performance? Also, the iPad is made out of aluminum, yet it uses 3G service. You're acting like you know for sure what will happen, and you don't. None of us do.

    The iPad has a black strip if you hadn't noticed, much like the original iPhone.


    pictures of kittens and cats. savannah cat kittens, bengal
  • savannah cat kittens, bengal

  • caspersoong
    May 4, 02:40 AM
    Really great ad. Too bad Apple never airs their ads here.

    pictures of kittens and cats. cats and kittens. cat, cats,
  • cats and kittens. cat, cats,

  • Glideslope
    Apr 15, 05:01 PM
    Ho hum...

    Competition for itunes would not be a bad thing but those record companies are just too greedy!

    They also know that they have been completely taken by Apple in an almost comical way.

    This is the main reason the TV/Movie industry has been so leary of Apple. It's not simply greed. They don't know how to negotiate at Apple's level.

    When Apple releases their new HD TV the networks will have complete control on pricing with Apple getting it's cut. Apple will provide a complete hardware delivery system for them that operates seamlessly with a click, and has a magical (could not resist) effect on the end user.

    No needing to try all this crap streaming through Amazon and such BS. Could even give Netflix a run.

    It's the logical next step, and Steve has already laid out the vision. :apple:


    pictures of kittens and cats. kittens on cat tree
  • kittens on cat tree

  • oTaRu
    Apr 16, 11:34 AM
    Which leads me to believe Apple may be going for a design like this:

    that's what i wish for....

    pictures of kittens and cats. Somali kitten, wild color
  • Somali kitten, wild color

  • Chundles
    Oct 11, 09:50 AM
    Actually the chinese sites are direct sources. These are trade newspapers reporting the contracts the local factories have received. As such they are accurate and timely for forthcoming products.

    Of course it does not addrerss specific features of the device, but if 20 truckloads of iPods leave the factory we KNOW about it, then Steve announces them 2 weeks later, when the boat arrives.

    The Foxconn announcement on MacBooks indicates Apple is trying to meet demand by adding another factory for a particularly popular item. Switchers join us!


    Except Digitimes - those guys are terrible. My G5 iBook is now over a year overdue.


    pictures of kittens and cats. Cat Rawr
  • Cat Rawr

  • Vidder
    Dec 9, 03:11 PM
    heres what i enjoyed doing best with this game:

    pictures of kittens and cats. kitten White cats- For Healthy
  • kitten White cats- For Healthy

  • themadrussian
    Mar 18, 12:38 AM
    And your point is?

    You said public perception overrides performance. I believe that in your case, specifically with the Inspire, that you are incorrect. The iPhone 4 is absolutely capable of outperforming the Inspire, especially in upload speeds. Theoretically the Inspire should trounce the iPhone 4 in download speeds but I have yet to see a speedtest or review that shows its download speeds at any level which the iPhone cannot match (over real world HSPA 7.2 speeds, which are consistently in the neighborhood or 3-6 Mbps depending on location and network congestion). The fastest Inspire 4G test I've seen was 4.5 Mbps, a download speed that the iPhone 4 reaches with extreme ease.

    There are intangible elements involved in smartphone operating system preference and of course, people should buy what makes them happy. The fact is, people like the way iOS works. A lot of people do. There's a reason it's widely emulated. There are advantages and disadvantages to every phone and every OS - the iPhone 4 lacks some features that some people would value greatly (removable storage, replaceable battery, larger screen, hardware keyboard, OTA OS updates, ability to install applications from any site/APK) but personally (and this is key here, personally) I prefer its overall experience to that of Android and WP7. I have spent a great deal of time using an Android phone (HTC Droid Incredible) on a regular basis, as well as occasional use of an HTC HD7 (WP7), and I can say firmly that iOS and the iPhone 4 provide the best combination of high quality hardware (and superior battery life) and simple, efficient, and fast software.

    My point is - it's not some mass-media brainwashing that makes people like (or even love) their iPhones. They are very nice phones running a very nice, mature operating system.

    pictures of kittens and cats. Tabby Kittens
  • Tabby Kittens

  • DewGuy1999
    Apr 13, 09:50 PM
    Lockware Systems (

    So, on the left side of the above linked page it says they're $120 and on the right side of the same page it says they're $140! So, which is it?

    Jason S.
    Apr 9, 12:13 PM
    Well, to be fair I have no idea what happened but depending on what they did, it could be very unfair to say they just "hurt his feelings".

    That being said, yeah, I think that poster is being a little delusional that they'd shut the whole store down over what he did.

    At best Best Buy fires anyone involved that caused them to have to pay out some large fine and maybe any of the managers that were around at the time. But they aren't going to shut the store down over it. And that is how it should be, cause the whole store shouldn't suffer because of some really bad employees (but the bad employees should be gone).

    So glad to know that there are still reasonable and rational thinkers in this world!

    Jan 10, 10:59 AM
    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.

    Umm is this for real? I would've thought Australia wouldn't get the iPhone until the 3G version is out.

    I think I will still hold out for the next version, even though I am keen on getting an iphone.

    Jan 15, 02:07 PM
    I am a Powerbook G4 user, and ready for a new computer. I was hoping that they would update the MacBook Pro, because I would definately buy one, but that doesn't look like thats going to happen anytime soon... ::mad:

    Do you edit HD video? Do you do mobile multitrack recording (32 tracks or more at a time)?

    If not, my question is... why are you "ready" for a new computer?

    By the way, I have a PB 1GHz, running OS X 10.5 smoothly, and it works just fine. I have the money to go blowing on new gadgets but, I've mellowed out on that.

    However, if you want to buy yourself a new toy every year "just cos"... be my guest. I'm an Apple shareholder and I appreciate the money going out of your pocket and into mine.

    Mar 17, 05:34 PM
    Please read my post again. Never did I say I was laughing at "you all" but rather the post "buddy". Hope I didn't touch a nerve.

    Also who are you quoting?

    Actually, you said:

    Obviously the OP was wrong with what he did but love laughing at all the holier than thou responses.

    Sorry, but that's the same at laughing at the people, ie, a form of being "Holier than thou." After all, what did your post add to this discussion except to say that you think you're above the comments being posted.

    Nice try at excusing yourself though, "buddy".

    Lesser Evets
    Apr 25, 12:29 PM
    The grain texture on the screen compared to the hand is a sign of photoshop.

    However, despite the probable fake picture, it could be a possible product since rumors of it were going around for a year or such. The bigger screen would make sense: borders are wasted space.

    I am curious when they will begin to limit the borders on iMacs. That chin has gone on too long.

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